Long time

Since i've posted anything here :p i have a good excuse though my computer died and we couldn't find anyone to fix it, but my dad got his computer fixed :] plus i'm sick as a dog; i feel like crappity crap crap...so i'm not going to write much cause i'm extremely lazy, i just wanted to give you guys a little update, i'm not dead haha alright see ya

I have nothing to write about, but still i'm here because i want to write something on here, hah! well yesterday was pretty fun, adree, jessica, izz, stephanie, and i went to the movies watched adventurland, which was pretty damn good; most people don't like kristen stewart but i do, specially in these kinds of movies, where she's more flawed or something, i dunno i think she delivers pretty good. watched the mentalist, and 3 hours of tv pretty bad eh, and i didn't do that stupid essay, but today, oh today i have to do something about that. Dan-Dan is sleeping in his little swing, which is too small for him hahah, at least he's sleeping, i'm in math, i guess i got offered a mini project, which i'm excited but mostly worried about, i'm only a "baby" photographer, i definitely need a camera! i really want this mermaid it's so beautiful.

Listening to Please be patient with me by Wilco

Well if you happen to read this, i'm sorry i wasted 3 minutes of your life haha, i didn't have much to say.

I love you, Guys

Yesterday my sister took out my brother and I to the movies, and saw, I Love You, Man...let me tell you it was pretty damn good. You might already know what it's about, Peter (Rudd) doesn't have guy friends so he's out looking for some, and Sydney has friends, but they're already married, and moved on but, so these two guys don't really have much friends, so they start hanging out, and hit it off, so he becomes his best man but something happens yadi yadi yada, you know the end everyone is happy :] It's mostly about friendship though, learning how to appreciate one another.

After the movie we went to in-n-out, then went to the park to play soccer, which we didn't, well my sister, Erin, and i didn't; we played catch which by the way Erin has quite the arm hecka cool. we all hung out with our friends from solidarity and, sometimes i just think to myself that i am so glad that i have so many friends that i could talk to, trust, and just have a good time with. I'm so glad to have them in my life, and i'm glad that Bethany invited us to alpha that one day we met her ha
haha, or else we wouldn't of met the whole solidarity staff. also to all my other friends, Tabby, Evan, Jessica, Michael, fresia, pamela, i'm so glad to have you guys as my friends, i love you all.

Fake smiles

all you really need is a fake smile, everything is alright behind our big smiles, or innocent faces. You'll never know what going on, because fake smiles are very convincing. Just say everything is fine, and say something exciting that has happened to you this week or wish that has happened, people might believe you. Just please don't forget to hide everything behind your smile, it's the key to "being fine" no one could ever doubt that smile. Everyone does this once you leave your house you paste on that smile of yours, and are a complete different person, you are the person you wish you really were but inside you are sad, heartbroken, mad, disappointed, defeated, low, annoyed, enraged, betrayed, but what can you really do? Put on a smile that might please everyone? Wrong, find someone, someone you trust let them know how you're feeling, not everyone is out trying to hurt you, there are people that want to help you out there are people that truly care, let loose. Don't hide behind your fake smile.

I ...

i finally have a new post! i tried several times posting something new but i couldn't then i thought oh you know what maybe it's IE that doesn't let me use blogger, and so i was right! so now i have to use Fire Fox when i want to post something thing new! well so far these past few days have been pretty good. i had a photo shoot with myself, my neighborhood is growing on me [after 9yrs haha], i am part of Solid Girls; Solid Girls is part of me, i want to travel the world, and take pictures at the same time, i want to leave my hand print on this place called earth, I'm obsessed with Lily Allen right now her voice is just amazing, and so are her lyrics. i miss my best friend, Tabby, I really want to see her! i have midterms on Saturday, and I'm scared I'm going to fail because i never pay attention, but i do most of my work. on the bright side though i get to see Evan. yesterday i made brownies, today I'm making cupcakes. I'm embarrassed of how much i procrastinate. i feel I'm getting stabbed every time i take a breath, sucks! I'm listening to azure ray, i should be doing something productive. i have faults, i am happy, i am concerned, i am sad, i feel complete, i am incomplete, i am a girl, i am short, i am....Maggie Araujo.

so far

Hello dear blog people who might not even read this, but here it goes again. Thursday, was my faja's birthday happy birthday papa, 40 is the new 30, so you're 31 Sorry for getting you a chocolate cake, i just really wanted it to say "happy birthday Adrian", but after Adree said they could write it on the side i felt like punching my self in the face for being so deaf ahaha, and i missed that beautiful snicker cake. Friday, was pretty much bleh, Izz, and i watched bedtime stories, which was pretty funny, but it seems like Adam Sandler has to settle for kids movies, he's still the greatest though. Today, it's barely 9:38 so not much yet, but my mam is making cupcakes yummm, and I'm going to rearrange the room so Adree won't have to do it after being stuck in HellMax for a gazillion hours. ohohoh i just really wanted to tell someone, that yesterday i felt short, which is not good, and then a started thinking if anyone ever asked me what was the greatest feeling in the world, I'd probably say that feeling tall is the greatest hah, i really wanna grow a few more inches taller :] also tonight legend of the seeker, that's pretty much it.


The Seeker's, Richard Cypher, mission to stop Darken Rahl from gaining power of the whole world gets intense every episode, he sometimes doesn't make the wisest decisions, but he knows what's right, and protects anyone even if he doesn't know them. He is also in love with the confessor, Kahlan Amnell and would do just about anything for her, but they can't be together because then his mission on stopping Dark Rahl, will be in vain. The wizard, Zed, helps them out with magic, and help them overcome any tough situations. Both confessor & wizard would give their lives for the seeker because only he can defeat Darken Rahl.
Last night all i did was watch Legend of the Seeker, yeah yeah i know i'm a total geek, but you know what, i love all those action scenes, and the confessor scenes, i love it all! Theeeeen when it was time to sleep, i couldn't because i was thinking of the confessor, the seeker, and the wizard, and all the obstacles they have to overcome each week, and believe me sometimes it gets really intense, so now i'm up to date with the whole show woo! Ok back to reality, today so far is alright, got some rain and a nice gray sky, i'm too gloomy :p but it's my favorite. well i got nothing too intersting, just wanted to rant about the legend of the seeker hah, you should all watch it, on ktlacw, @ 6pm and 11pm

About Me

My photo
i'm maggie; i'm indie fresh i sometimesget jittery or awkward around new people haha if i were a toy i'd be buzz lightyear so i could go infinity and beyond! i'll give you she-wolf style
