good morning

good morning new day, today i woke up on the floor
because i didn't feel like sharing the bed with my sister,
i really had to pee, since i went to bed the night before haha
and then i went to the kitchen and i looked like i ferocious lion
because my hair was all over the place ahahah, i like my hair though
oh and then my mom starts yelling at my brother, because of his
appetite, poor kid gets judged every time he eats :[ mom seems
to like the drama, so she stayed quiet for a little 2 minutes then started
beef with my brother for writing on his knuckles, and my little clever
mom knows my dad will say something so she starts saying it louder and louder
i don't know i thought it was really evil, but my brother won't let her
step all over him oh no no he fires back nothing mean he just said that
her blood is on fire, then my dad and sister leave, and she continues not as
much though because dad left for work, yup sounds like a good morning don't you think?



About Me

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i'm maggie; i'm indie fresh i sometimesget jittery or awkward around new people haha if i were a toy i'd be buzz lightyear so i could go infinity and beyond! i'll give you she-wolf style
